We Maintain a Clean Environment
You can trust our team of experts to manage the issues you face
Qualified environmental professionals
RSK Environmental Group is truly an expert in the field of environmental consulting, with extensive experience providing the full scope of environmental consulting services to developers, investors and lenders nationwide.
Our large staff of qualified environmental professionals includes:
licensed civil and environmental engineers;
LEED professionals;
Professional Geologists (PG);
soil scientists; hydrogeologists;
energy specialists;
industrial hygienists and toxicologists.
Work We do
Asbestos, Lead, Mold, Radon
Soil, Air, Vapor & Water
Management & Testing
Drilling Services
Investigation / Inspection & Remediation
Phase 1 ESA
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) reports are prepared for real estate and business transactions such as: land purchases, building purchases, leases, business purchases, new residential developments and bank loans. Our Phase 1 ESA reports are in compliance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E-1527-13.
Phase 2 ESA
Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports are sometimes required when a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) is found during the Phase 1 Environmental Assessment process. These investigations consist of collecting soil samples, and sometimes groundwater, surface water and soil vapor samples, to screen for chemical or metal contamination.
Phase 3 ESA
Generally, a Phase III Environmental Sites Assessment (ESA) is the term used to describe the contaminated site remediation phase of an ESA. This includes both the planning and the execution of a remediation of an impacted site.
Construction, Remediation and Geotech
Emergency Spill Response
Vacuum Truck Services
Contaminated Site Remediation
Environmental Contracting
UST/AST Storage Tank Management
Hazardous Waste Management
Soil & Fill Materials Management
Ground penetrating radar
Contaminated Soil Disposal
Erosion Control Assessment
Industrial Hygiene
Industrial Hygiene Services
Air, Soil, Soil Vapor & Groundwater Sampling
Asbestos Services
Lead Paint Services
Radon Testing
Hazardous Materials
Building Decommissioning Services
Monitoring Wells
Environmental Risk Management
Environmental Risk Management
NYC E-Designations & VCP Programs
Brownfields Programs
Environmental Transaction Screens
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Consultation
Environmental Compliance Audits
Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Testing
Remedial Investigations
Subsurface Investigations & Remediation
Remedial action work plan preparation
Case Studies
Water Wells For Marcellous Well Pads
RSK was contracted by a producer to drill water wells on their existing well pads to feed water to their drilling and fracking programs reducing the amount of water that would need to be hauled in. HAD crews mobilized a Versa Drill 1000 rotary drill and a support truck with a crane, welder and water bed. The scope for most of these locations called for us to drill a 10” diameter boring to approximately 100’ and cement a 6” diameter steel casing to surface.
After the cement was allowed to cure the crew would then drill a 6” diameter bore to 400’ and develop the well. These wells were completed in two days only because of the cure time for the cement. One well was drilled from 60’ to 400’ in about 3 hours. With the automated drill pipe handling system this was performed both safely and efficiently.

“I highly recommend RSK Environmental Group. The process, costs and risks were explained to me in simple and friendly terms resulting in no surprises. In addition, the new tank and excavation site were left in excellent condition.”
— John Smith, Engineer